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Help for me!

Your first step!

I would like to say first on congratulations for taking the first steps to working on yourself. That step is not coming to my website or considering my services. It is saying to yourself that there is chance that your situation can improve. I have two services listed below that might be of help to you.


Career Advising

Have you ever felt like you could use direction? we can work together to figure out what profession would be go to you. As we talk I will help you connect your interest to aspects of the Holland Code.  From there, we can explore publicly  available resources to see what next steps are next.

Executive Functioning Coaching

Do you struggle with organization, procrastination or motivation? It might just be that some aspect of internal monologs, organization, expectation of outcome or technical skill impacts that your problem. At the same time it could be a compounding problem where one aspect of those domains impacts another.

Adult Students

Looking to get started working with me?

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